Pre-Employment Skills Training

program objectives

The goal of the program is to provide students with the confidence, effective communication skills, and problem solving techniques that will enable them to optimize success in the work place. This program will teach skills that are transferable and will apply to all aspects of life.


Students will develop life long learning skills, which include interpersonal and coping skills, communication and problem solving and critical thinking skills. We teach that that each person is responsible for his/her own life. Life Skills Training is foundational in this curriculum. These are the problem solving skills that individuals need to live a balanced, self-determined life style and to manage their lives successfully in five areas: self, family, job, leisure and community.

In addition to the basic life skills program:

  • Students will gain an understanding of the Indigenous culture

  • A historical overview of colonization and how this process has effected Indigenous people

  • The decolonization process

  • Review the inter-generational effects of the residential school era and the impacts it has on today’s generation

  • A section on the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

The student will have the skills and knowledge to discuss a number of problem-solving techniques and practice them not only in their place of employment but with their peers, family and instructors. Specifically, students will be able to:

  • Discriminate between assertive, aggressive, and passive behaviors

  • Identify areas where assertiveness would be an asset for self, family and job

  • Practice “I” message techniques

  • Role play how to give and receive feedback

  • Define self-esteem

  • How to deal with authority

  • How to deal with conflict

  • How to become an effective problem solver

  • Discuss the Win-Win method of problem solving

  • Identify the stages of Group Development

who should attend?

Anyone looking for ways to optimize success in the workplace, prepare for new employment, or to further develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.