Life Skills Program


program objectives

The program objective is to provide Indigenous adult learners with the confidence, communication skills, and problem solving techniques that can be used in daily life. This will be accomplished through a combination of lectures, group work, field trips and guest speakers. Class participation and open dialogue is encouraged.


Each participant will be able to identify the challenges Indigenous people face on a daily basis. At the conclusion of this program the adult learner will be able to;

  • Distinguish between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour

  • Identify where assertiveness, would be an asset for self, family and on the job

  • Practice the “I” message

  • Role play to handle criticism

  • Conduct a personal assessment

  • Define personal goals

  • Define self-esteem

  • Identify anger styles, stuff direct and escalate

  • Discuss the win/win method of problem solving

  • Identify the six steps in problem solving

  • Identify the stages of group development

  • Identify sabotaging behaviour

  • Discuss Lateral Violence

  • Identify and explain the historical impact of colonization and how the Residential School era affected Indigenous people

  • Discuss healing from the Medicine Wheel

who should attend

Adults seeking ways to build confidence, improve communication and problem solving skills as well as to better understand and overcome the historical impact of colonization.